
Friday, November 30, 2012

Another Reading Challenge for 2013..

Do you love historical novels? If so check out this challenge for next year. Click on the button below to see Historical Tapestry's blog to join the challenge. My goal will be Victorian reader, so by the end of the year I will have finished 5 bookd. Perhaps I may read more, although as you can tell I belong to several reading challenges.

Someone wanted to say hello...

although he is a little bit shy. When he can't be found anywhere else, this is the most likely place to find him.
This is delicious, healthy, inexpensive, and it is good as a main meal or side dish. Great thing is each person can make their own version of this with their favorite toppings.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What You Can Do —


Do you like to help others and are a quilter?  I just found the website so I am looking into all of the various charities. Use the link above to get more information about several non-profits and how you can make a difference.

What You Can Do —

Recent Block Exchange

For the month of November I have made the following quilt blocks below for the block exchange. The two members picked the patterns and the fabric they wanted us to use. I really liked the Churn Dash block. The next blocks I have to do for the monthly quilt block exchange is Card Trick and Double Wedding Ring.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Review of The Children by Edith Wharton

I have never read any books from the author Edith Wharton. It appears that perhaps The Children by Edith Wharton isn't one of her most famous books. The book takes place after WWI. The main character in the book is Martin Boyne who is in his 40's. One day while on a trip by boat he happens to meet a variety of seven children; some are full siblings, some half-siblings while the others are step-siblings or no relation at all. Turns out the eldest teenager of the group is Judith who is 15 almost 16. He happens to know both of her parents before the arrival of any children. Judith's parents had gotten divorced, remarried and then married each other again. Sound complicated? It is, and keeping track of who all the children belonged to was as well. Judith and all of children want to stay together, and Martin wants them to be able to stay together as well. The parents either seem neglectful, selfish or see their children as perhaps a bargaining chip against an ex-spouse. Martin sees Judith as sometimes as a child, while other times as a grown woman. Considering the time of the book, Martin brings up several times what will become of the children, since Judith is probably thinking of marriage soon in the near future. I never really got the impression that Martin was in love with anyone. To me he either seemed to be rather nostalgic of what could have been or about the past, and he seemed to want to be protective and care about people but the way he goes about it comes out wrong. This book was a easy read, although at times I was mad at certain characters, and had mixed emotions sometimes about the people. The first 100 pages it doesn't have a lot of dialogue which does take some getting used too. I do plan on reading more books from Edith Wharton. Although, this book isn't one that I will re-read over and over again, it did keep me guessing as to what would happen in some parts. I rate this book 3 out of 5.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Normally I am not a person that cares about fashion, although I do love some of the vintage clothes from various periods. I found this website that has 20's, 40's and 50's clothing. I LOVE some of the dresses, some of them are not too badly priced, however quite a few to me are formal (which I currently have no use for). Hopefully, I will be able to purchase a regular dress soon. Ceck it out!

Book Challenge for 2013

I am an avid reader of Book Vixen's blog and she has quite a few book challenges going on for next year. I am going to sign up for the 2013 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge. The level I will be trying to acheive is Breaking a sweat, which means I will be reading 11-15 books next year. Actually I hope to read more, but we shall see. Click on the button below. 2013 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge hosted by The Book Vixen

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fun tv Projects...

I like to work on a variety of crafts while watching tv. Although I haven't done it in ahwile. I started working on a 30's Grandmothers Flower Garden (GFG), so far here is the very small progress I have done.
Here is more fabric that I will be using, 30's fabric is one of my favorites.
I love the GFG pattern so I even have more fabric for a future project.
I have been working on a Double Wedding Ring (DWR) table runner, so far I have only completed about six of the rings.
Here is the back of the ring, showing my hand piecing. If you have never done hand piecing or hand quilting I highly recommend. It is fun and relaxing.
A furry friend wanted to keep me company.
Now back to watching Burn Notice!