
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Results of Classic Club Readathon....

This was the end result of the 24 hour Classic Club Readathon for me.

What book(s) did you read during the event?
I read Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott

What book(s) did you finish?
My original goal was to either get halfway or finish. I was not able to accomplish this as I was not feeling well. However, I did get to read about 115 pages.

What did you like about our event?
I enjoyed seeing what others were reading and spending time with a good book.

Do you have suggestions for future Readathons through The Classics Club?
Perhaps it should be for the whole weekend

Would you participate in future Readathons?
Yes I would.


  1. I didn't accomplish what I thought I would either but I'm satisfied with what I did read. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

    1. Perhaps we will be able to met our goal on the next readathon. At least now we have less pages than before to finish a book. =0)

  2. This was my first readathon so I had no goal except to participate!
    As a result I felt no pressure or disappointment and was happy to achieve some reading of my classic (The Beautiful and Damned) and to spend some time catching up on fellow bloggers progress.
