
Friday, July 31, 2015

Austen in August Sign-Up Post

I have in the past participated in this and almost forgot to sign up for it this year. It starts tomorrow and the host is Roof Beam Reader. For the month of August I will read some books by Jane Austen and other modern twists on the novels. I plan on reading the following, in not any particular order:

-Death Comes To Pemberley by PD James
-Longbourn by Jo Baker
-Persuasion (I have tried reading this in the past, and didn't really care for it, but will try again)
-Sense and Sensibility

I am not sure if I will complete all of these books, so we shall see, if I do though that I might then reread Pride and Prejudice along with Emma.


  1. I also signed up for this reading challenge. This is the first time I've even heard about it. I am thrilled to find others who I can join with for this fun journey.

    First I will read the works Austen wrote. It sounds like there are a lot of spin offs to read as well.

    Good luck on reading through your list.

    1. Good Luck to you as well and glad you have joined the challenge.
